Know before you grow:


It is very important that you up-pot your plant to a larger container as soon as possible when it arrives. Your plant's new container should have a couple of drainage holes, and should be at least a couple gallons larger than the nursery pot. Check out our up-potting video for detailed instructions on how to ensure a happy healthy new home for your plant.


Lemon grass is a perennial herb, so it will die back and regrow on it's own each winter.

Let the sun shine


Lemon grass requires full sun to partial shade, so it needs a good amount of light to grow well. Ideally, it should receive at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. If you are growing lemon grass indoors, place it near a sunny window where it can receive bright, indirect light. Outdoor lemon grass can tolerate partial shade but will grow best in full sun.


Lemongrass loves the heat, and is particularly sensetive to cold, so it is rare that it overheats. If the temperature gets too hot for lemongrass, the plant may start to wilt, its leaves may turn yellow, and it may begin to drop its leaves. If this happens, it's a sign that the plant needs to be moved to a cooler, shadier location or watered more frequently.

Get this girl a drink!


Lemon grass should be watered deeply once to twice a week. Water until the soil is saturated and water comes out of the drainage holes. Let the container dry until the soil is dry to the touch 1 inche down. They also thrive in humid environment, so consider misting your plant if your area is experiencing a dry spell.


Lemon grass typically benefits from fertilization every two weeks during the growing season (from early spring until fall). Your plant should have come with a soluable fast-acting plant food, which you can mix in to the water you give your plant.

Chill Out

Overwintering (down to 32°F)

Lemon grass can withstand temperatures down to freezing outdoors. If your temperatures are close to freezing, but quite windy, consider covering your plant with bags of leaves to insulate it from the cold.

Overwintering (below 32°F)

Below freezing temperatures, your plant should be brought indoors. Keep it someplace bright, like a south facing window.

Yummy Stuff

Ripening and Harvest

Make sure your lemongrass is at least 12" tall before harvesting. Use a sharp knife or pair of scissors to cut off the outer stalks at the base of the plant, close to the ground. Leave at least 3-5 stalks intact to allow the plant to continue growing.

Pests and Disease

Your fruit isn't just delicious for you, lots of other critters would be happy to get their hands on your hard work. Pests and diseases vary greatly depending on region, so we suggest you take advantage of your local resources. If you can't determine what is ailing your plant by googling the symptoms, give a call to your local county agricultural extension office.